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This dog disinfectant is mild, non-irritating, and non-irritating to the skin. It is an efficient and safe disinfectant that can effectively kill 99% of bacteria. The disinfectant for dogs is widely used in multiple environmental disinfection, sand tray toilets, living spaces, toy products, Nest pads, kennels, etc., can be soaked, wiped, or sprayed.

Types of Dog Disinfectant

Roxycide for Veterinary Disinfection
Roxycide for Veterinary Disinfection
Proven efficacy against bacteria, viruses, fungi. Fast-acting high activity against biofilms. Wide Applications: Surface, Aerial, Water Livestock Environmentally Friendly Poultry, Swine, Aquaculture, Pet...
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How To Use Dog Disinfectant Cleaner?

How To Use Dog Disinfectant Cleaner?

Step 1   Personal protective equipment required

Step 2   Pour Water

Step 3   Add Roxycide™

Step 4   Stir thoroughly until fully dissolved, then use

FAQs Of Dog Safe Disinfectant

What is a good dog safe disinfectant spray?

The dog safe disinfectant spray include Hydrogen peroxide (3%), alcohol, chlorhexidine,  Potassium Monopersulfate.

which also effective against virus. The disinfectant spray safe for dogs is also mild and eco-friendly and generally safe to use around animals.

What disinfectant can you use on dogs?

Choose dog friendly disinfectant that is less irritating. If you find that the dog has ectoparasites, you can use a puppy safe disinfectant with a deworming effect to disinfect the environment. Dogs have a particularly sensitive sense of smell, so you can't use a dog kennel disinfectant that is more irritating, such as 84. When choosing a disinfectant, try to choose a softer and less odorous yard disinfectant safe for dogs like Roxycide.

What is a puppy safe disinfectant?

Roxycide garden disinfectant for dogs is one type pet safe disinfectant for dogs, cats and other pets. Efficicacy against viruses, bacteria and fungi. The dog cage disinfectant can be used to disinfect dog kennels, surfaces & more!
139 East Fifth Rd Of Auto Center, Eco & Tech Development Zone, Chengdu City, Sichuan, China